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   发布日期:2016-09-26 14:51


  青岛朗阁雅思阅读名师 许鑫淼

考试日期: 2016年9月24日
Reading Passage 1
Title: Rainwater Harvesting
Question types: 简答题; 6
判断题; 8
文章内容回顾 文章介绍了某个村庄水利工程的一个创新和应用,提到了村庄为何要发展这个工程,以及在发展过程中获得的利益和对未来的展望。
相关英文原文阅读 For two years southern Sri Lanka suffered a prolonged drought, described by locals as “the worst in 50 years”. Some areas didn’t see a successful crop for four or five consecutive seasons. Livestock died, water in wells dropped to dangerously low levels, children were increasingly malnourished and school attendance has fallen. An estimated 1.6 million people have been affected.
A  Muthukandiya is a village in Moneragala district, one of the drought-stricken areas in the “dry zone” of southern Sri Lanka, where half the country’s population of 18 million lives. Rainfall in the area varies greatly from year to year, often bringing extreme dry spells in between monsoons. But this drought has been much worse than usual. Despite some rain in November, only half of Moneragala’s 1,400 tube wells were in working order by March 2002. The drought has devastated supplies of rice and freshwater fish, the staple diet of inland villages. Many local industries have closed down and villagers are heading for the towns in search of work.
B  The villagers of Muthukandiya arrived in the 1970s as part of a government resettlemen scheme. Each family was given six acres of land, with no irrigation system. Because crop production, which relies entirely on rainfall, is insufficient to support most families, the village economy relies on men and women working as day-laborers in nearby sugar-cane plantations. Three wells have been dug to provide domestic water, but these run dry for much of the year. Women and children may spend several hours each day walking up to five kilometers to fetch water for drinking, washing and cooking.
C  In 1998, communities in the district discussed water problems with Practical Action South Asia. What followed was a drought mitigation initiative based on a low-cost “rainwater harvesting” technology already used in Sri Lanka and elsewhere in the region. It uses tanks to collect and store rain channeled by gutters and pipes as it runs off the roofs of houses.
D  Despite an indigenous tradition of rain-water harvesting and irrigation systems going back to the third century BC, policy-makers in modern times have often overlooked the value of such technologies, and it is only recently that officials have taken much interest in household-level structures. Government and other programs have, however, been top-down in their conception and application, installing tanks free of charge without providing training in the skills needed to build and maintain them properly. Practical Action South Asia’s project deliberately took a different approach, aiming to build up a local skills base among builders and users of the tanks, and to create structures and systems so that communities can manage their own rainwater harvesting schemes.
E  The community of Muthukandiya was involved throughout. Two meetings were held where villagers analyzed their water problems, developed a mitigation plan and selected the rainwater harvesting technology. Two local masons received several days’ on-the-job training in building the 5,000 liter household storage tanks: surface tanks out of retro-cement and underground tanks out of brick. Each system, including tank, pipes, gutters and filters, cost US$ 195 – equivalent to a month’s income for an average village family. Just over half the cost was provided by the community, in the form of materials and unskilled labor. Practical Action South Asia contributed the rest, including cement, transport and payment for the skilled labor. Households learned how to use and maintain the tanks, and the whole community was trained to keep domestic water supplies clean. A village rainwater harvesting society was set up to run the project. To date, 37 families in and around Muthukandiya have storage tanks. Evaluations show clearly that households with rainwater storage tanks have considerably more water for domestic needs than households relying entirely on wells and ponds. During the driest months, households with tanks may have up to twice as much water available. Their water is much cleaner, too.
F  Nandawathie, a widow in the village, has taken full advantage of the opportunities that rainwater harvesting has brought her family. With a better water supply now close at hand, she began by growing a few vegetables. The income from selling these helped her to open a small shop on her doorstep. This increased her earnings still further, enabling her to apply for a loan to install solar power in her house. She is now thinking of building another tank in her garden so that she can grow more vegetables. Nandawathie also feels safer now that she no longer has to fetch water from the village well in the early morning or late evening. She says that her children no longer complain so much of diarrhoea. And her daughter Sandamalee has more time for school work.
G  In the short term, and on a small scale, the project has clearly been a success. The challenge for NGOs like ITDG South Asia lies in making such initiatives sustainable, and expanding their coverage. At a purely technical level, rainwater harvesting is evidently sustainable. In Muthukandiya, the skills required to build and maintain storage tanks were taught fairly easily, and can be shared by the two trained masons, who are now finding work with other development agencies in the district.
H  The non-structural elements of the work, especially its financial and organizational sustainability, present a bigger challenge. A revolving fund was set up, with households that had already benefited agreeing to contribute a small monthly amount to pay for maintenance, repairs and new tanks. However, it appears that the revolving fund concept was not fully understood and it has proved difficult to get households to contribute. Recovering costs from interventions that do not generate income directly will always be a difficult proposition, although this can be overcome if the process is explained more fully at the outset.
I  The Muthukandiya initiative was planned as a demonstration project, to show that community-based drought mitigation through rainwater harvesting was feasible. Several other organizations have begun their own projects using the same approach. The feasibility of introducing larger tanks is being investigated.
J  However, a lot of effort and patience are needed to generate the interest, develop the skills and organize the management structures needed to implement sustainable community-based projects. So it will probably be some time before rainwater harvesting technologies can spread rapidly and spontaneously across the district’s villages, without external support.

答案:1.crop production 2. sugra-cane plantations  3. three wells  4. 1998  5. roofs of houses  6. rainwater storage tanks

答案:7. NOT GIVEN  8. YES  9.NO  10.YES
11. NO  12.YES  13.NOT GIVEN  14.NO
题型难度分析 第一篇的这两个题型都是常规的顺序题,难度不是特别大,而且题干都比较简单易懂,加上定位也不是很难,所以第一篇的难度不是特别大。
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 剑4 Test 1 Passage 1
剑4 Test 3 Passage 2
Reading Passage 2
Title: Inspired by Mimicking Mother Nature
Question types: Matching; 6
T/F/NG; 8
文章内容回顾 科学家对于生物界动物的体表特征的科学研究和运用。
题型难度分析 这篇文章的难度比第一篇的难度更高,除了顺序题型的判断题之外,还有乱序的classify的配对题。
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 剑6 Test 2 Passage 1
剑6 Test 3 Passage 2
Reading Passage 3
Title: The Role of Science in the 18th Development
Question types: 段落信息配; 6
Summary; 6
文章内容回顾 科学家对于化学的运用以及化学的自身发展史和在发展过程中的限制
34.tools  35.astronomy  36.physics  37.candles  38.burning glass  39.pendulum
题型难度分析 本篇文章还是以配对题作为主打题型,既有细节也有主旨,总体难度相对而言较高。
剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 剑4 Test 3 Passage 3
剑7 Test 2 Passage 2















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