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   发布日期:2015-07-28 14:54





Part 1考题总结


What’s  your name?

Who  gave you your name?

Does  your name have any particular meaning?

In  your country, do people feel that their name is important?

Is it  easy to change your name in your country?

What  names are most common in your hometown?



Do you  think it’s important what clothes a person wears?

Is it  important what clothes you wear at your job?

Do you  think the clothes a person wears leaves an impression on


What  kinds/styles of clothes do you like (or, prefer) to wear?


Natural  places

Do you  like visiting natural places?

Do you  like a natural environment?

How do  city kids in your country have contact with nature?

Do you  have any memories of nature from your childhood?

What  are the benefits of learning about natural?

What  can people get from going to natural places?


Friends  and family

Do you  have any close friends?

What  qualities make them good friends?

Do you  often go out with your friends?

Do you  prefer to have many friends or a few special ones?

What  do you do in your free time with your friends?

Are  there any time when you prefer to be alone?



Do you  like writing things?

Do you  like writing to people?

What  are your main reasons for using e-mails?

Whose  e-mails do you often receive?

Do you  usually write by hand or write by using a computer?



Are  there many advertisements in your country?

Why do  you think that there are so many advertisements now?

What  are the places where we see advertisements?

How do  you feel about advertisements?

What  kinds of advertisements do you like most?

Do  advertisements influence your choice about what to buy?

Do you  like advertisement on TV?

Do you  prefer advertisements on TV or those in magazines?

Do you  think advertising plays an important role in today’s world?

What  sorts of advertisement leave the deepest impression on people?

What  do you think about the developments in advertising in China


Why do  you think company advertise themselves?



Do you  usually read books?

Where  do you usually read?

What  kind of places is good for reading?

Do you  like to read alone or with friends?

Where  can you not read books?



Are  there many (or, any) museums in your hometown?

Do you  think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown /country?  

Do you  often visit a museum?



What’s your favorite color?

Are  there any colors you dislike?

Are  colors important to you?

Were  colors important to you when you were a child?

When  you are buying something is the color important?

Do you  usually wear clothes in your favorite color?

Is  color important to you when you are buying clothes?

Do you  prefer light or dark colors?

Are  there any colors that have special meanings in your country?

What  color would you choose to paint the wall in your room?

Is  there any color you not want your wall to be?

Do you  think different types of people want different colors?



What’s the weather like today?

What  kind of weather do you like (best)? (why?)

What’s your favorite weather? (why?)

What  do you usually do during your favorite weather (or season)?

What’s the weather (usually) like in your hometown?

Do you  like that weather (or, that kind of climate)? (why?/why not?)

How  often is the weather good in your hometown?

What  did you do the last time the weather was good?

Are  there bad points about the weather in your city?

What  is the typical weather in China like?

Have  there been any changes in the weather over the past few years?

Does  the weather ever affect what you do?

How  does the weather affect people (or, you)?(if yes, how)

How do  you feel when the weather is cloudy?

Do you  always (often/usually) pay attention to the weather forecast?

Can  you give any examples of unusual weather?


Your  Studies

Are  you working or studying?

What  subject(s) are you studying?

What  kind of job so you wanna do in future? Why?

Why  did you choose to study that subject?/ Why did you choose to

study  those subjects?

Do  you like your subject? (Why?/Why not?)

Is  it very interesting?

Do  you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoons?



Do  you live in a house of a flat?

Which  room is your favourite?

Who  do you live with?

How  long have you lived there?

Do  you plan to live there for a long time?



What’s  (the name of) your hometown?

Is  that a big city or a small place?

Please  describe your hometown a little.

How  long have you been living there?

Do  you like your hometown?

What  do you like (most) about your hometown?

Is  there anything you dislike about it?

Do  you think you will continue living there for a long time?


Time  management

How  do you organize your time?

Why  do you organize your time?

Would  you say you are good at managing in your time?

Where  did you learn how to organize your time?

If  you had more time, what would you do?


Part 2&3 考题总结

Part 2

Describe  a sportsperson who plays in an event

-who  is he/she

-what’s  the occasion?

-do  you think he is a good player?

-what  influence does he/she have on you


Describe  a person you wanna be similar to

-who  is he/she

-what’s  his/her personality

-why  do you wanna be similar to lher/him

-what  influence does he/she have on you


Describe  your favourite celebrity

-who  is he/she

-what’s  his/her personality

-why  do you like her/him?

-what  influence does he/she hasve on you


Describe  a toy you had in your childhood

-what  is it

-who  gives it to you

-why  do you like it

-what  influence does it have on you


Describe  a vehicle you want to buy

-what  kind of vehicle is it

-where  do you wanna drive it to

-why  do you want to buy it

-what’s  the advantage&disadvantage of it


Describe  a short trip you have been to and want to do it again

-where  did you travel to

-who  did you go with

-why  did you want to go there again

-what  influence does the trip have on you


Describe  a historical city you have been to

-which  city did you go

-who  did you go with

-why  did you travel there

-what  influence does the trip have on you


Describe  a good news you’ve heard

-what  news is it

-where  did you hear it

-why  is it a good news

-what  influence does it have on you


Describe  an interesting conversation you had with other people

-who  did you speak with

-what  did you talk about

-what  influence does the conversation have on you


Describe  a happy family event in your childhood


Describe  a habit you wanna learn from your friend

-what  kind of habit?

-who  would you like to learn it from

-why  do you wanna learn it

-what  influence does it have on you


Describe  a TV program that you have watched

-what  TV program is it

-why  did you watch it

-what  influence does it have on you


Describe  an useful app in your phones, computers or tablets

-which  app is it

-how  can you use it

-why  do you think it is useful

-what  influence does it have on you


Part 3

What kind of stars do children like?

Should company spend more energy on hiring super stars  as their prolocutor?

Should celebrities regulate their behavior?

What’s the advantage and disadvantage of being a  celebrity?

What if fans ignore the mistakes that celebrity make?

What kind of news do Chinese like?

Do you like International news or local news?

Who like news more? Man or woman?

What’s the advantage and disadvantage of technology?

what's difference between talking in person and on the  phone?

What can boys and girls talk about when they meet each  other?

Do boys and girls watch different TV shows?

Do you think children spend more time on watching TV?

Do you think play toys will practise your physical  ablities?

Many families have only one child, is it easy to  communicate?




1. Do you have any plant at home?

Sample answer:

Yes, I do. I have two pots of small Chinese roses at home.  Keeping

them alive is quite easy and simple. You just need to remember  to

water them, but waiting them to blossom is no easy feat, you  have to

take care of them. Cutting the dead leaves and fertilizing are  really

difficult, but I like it.

解析:考生须知在回答了 yes/no 之后要自觉的介绍一下养的植物是什

么,不能简简单单的一句话结束回答,要适当多说一些。No easy feat



2. Would you like to send plant to others as gift?

Sample answer:

Certainly, I would. I have sent my friends some beautifully  shaped

bonsai trees as birthday gifts and they love them all. Flowers  are also

popular gifts for friends in China, especially for those young  lovers

and couples.



3. Do you know how to take care of plant?

Sample answer:

Well, I would say yes. Actually it was quite easy, not as  complicated

as someone thinks. When planting a new one, you need to protect  its

root and choose the soft and fertilized soil and put them in a  cool and

shady place. After a few days, when it comes back to alive, put  it into

sunshine, and remember to water it twice a day. Sometimes you

need to help cut its dead leaves and add some new fertilizers.  That’s





在考手机里的 APP, 都不难发现雅思考题的全新模式。而对轮换题来


例如 Describe a meal you invited others to your  home or restaurant.

此话题就是 a meal  a restaurant 的结合。考生准备时可将准备过的
















2  月底新题的出现率相比1月不算高,整体备考方案差别不大。相比Part  2其他三大类话题,人物类范畴考题出现了部分问法较为笼统的话题,如 Describe a person you  want to be. Describe your favourite celebrity..考生可将这些话题与其他具体性话题进行简单整合。此类话题的思路拓展方式相对丰富、灵活,考生可从熟悉的人物类大话题中加以选择,只要考虑到话题延展的可操作性,并将具有正面积极阳光向上等特点的人物作为描述对象,考生较为容易在短时间解决主体内容定向的问题。但在选择人物类别时应当注意是否是名人,普通人与名人的区别主要在Part 3的考官提问中会较为明显。如考生选择想要成为的是某一个名人,在Part 3 中需做好准备与名人影响力或名人效应等相关的问题,如孩子喜欢什么样的明星,成为名人会带来哪些好处和问题等。















今天为了帮助正在进行雅思备考的小伙伴更好的准备雅思考试,青岛朗阁雅思写作名师 费晓静...














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